least pipistrelle 뜻
- 애기집박쥐
- least: noun, adjective, 최소(의), at (the) ~
- at least: 료; 만; 가장적게; 최소의; 적어도
- least: noun, adjective, 최소(의), at (the) ~ 적어도, 하다못해, not in the ~ 조금도 ...않다, the ~ common multiple 최소 공배수 ad, 가장적게, ~ of all 가장 ... 않다
- least chipmunk: 꼬마다람쥐
- least gerbil: 꼬마저빌
- least squares: 최소제곱법 최소제곱법
- least weasel: 무산쇠족제비
- aellen's pipistrelle: 엘렌집박쥐
- anchieta's pipistrelle: 안치에타집박쥐
- angulate pipistrelle: 뉴기니집박쥐
- arabian pipistrelle: 아라비아집박쥐
- banana pipistrelle: 바나나집박쥐
- brown pipistrelle: 갈색집박쥐
- burma pipistrelle: 버마집박쥐
- cadorna's pipistrelle: 카도르나집박쥐
기타 단어
- "least gerbil" 뜻
- "least groove-toothed swamp rat" 뜻
- "least horseshoe bat" 뜻
- "least long-fingered bat" 뜻
- "least of the great powers" 뜻
- "least possible amount" 뜻
- "least privilege administration" 뜻
- "least pygmy squirrel" 뜻
- "least recently accessed files" 뜻
- "least long-fingered bat" 뜻
- "least of the great powers" 뜻
- "least possible amount" 뜻
- "least privilege administration" 뜻